How To Calculate Zakat On Salary

How To Calculate Zakat On Salary

Zakat is a very important pillar of Islam. It purifies the wealth and Allah almighty grant them more money when they spend their money on Zakat. To pay Zakat, you need to have savings above a certain amount (nisab) for a full year. If you spend all your salary on daily expenses. You do not need to pay Zakat. Keep track of your savings and spending, especially if your income changes, to calculate your Zakat correctly.

Is there any Zakat on Salary:

If a person spends their entire monthly salary and has nothing left at the end of the month. They do not need to pay Zakat.

Zakat is only required if they save enough money to reach the nisab (minimum amount) and keep it for a full year. So, you only pay Zakat if your savings reach the nisab and remain above it for a year.

Calculation of Zakat on Salary:

An employee with a salary will fall into one of two situations:

1. Spends All Salary: If they spend their entire salary and save nothing, they do not have to pay Zakat.

2. Saves Some Salary: If they save part of their salary, Zakat is calculated based on the following:

    1. Strict Calculation: Record each saved amount and its date. Pay Zakat on each amount separately after one year.
    1. Simpler, Generous Method: Pay Zakat on all savings once a year from when the total first reached the nisab (minimum amount). This method is easier, more generous to the poor, and can bring greater rewards. Any extra amount paid acts as a “down payment” for future Zakat.

Example: If a man saves 1000 riyals each month starting from Muharram, he saves similarly in Safar and the following months. When Muharram comes the next year, he adds up all his savings and pays Zakat on the total amount.

Can I pay my Zakat monthly?

If it is easier, you can spread your Zakat payments over the whole year. Calculate your total Zakat for the year and divide it into twelve monthly payments. At the end of the year, review your calculations. If you find you underestimated your Zakat, pay the difference before the new year begins.

Zakat Calculator:

To make an online Zakat payment, start with a simple Zakat Calculator. This tool makes it easy to calculate the 2.5% you need to pay based on your assets.

Our easy-to-use Zakat calculator takes the hassle out of calculating Zakat for everyone. Calculating the amount according to your nisab might seem difficult, but with Transparent Hands, it’s simple.

Just focus on your good deeds and obligations, and we’ll handle the calculations. Provide updated details of your assets so we can accurately determine the nisab using the current rate. Here’s how to calculate Zakat on your salary:

  1. List all your assets.
  2. Subtract any loans or debts you need to repay.
  3. Ensure your balance exceeds the nisab.
  4. Calculate 2.5% of your remaining balance to find your Zakat amount.

You can also read: Do Orphanages Still Exist

Should I be paying my Missed Zakat:

It can be easy to forget or miscalculate our Zakat, or we might be new to understanding this pillar of Islam. However, it’s never too late to pay Zakat from previous years.

Missed Zakat is calculated the same way as current Zakat, but you should use the nisab value from the year you missed, not the current nisab value.

Is zakat on salary like zakat on Agricultural crops:

The person who told you that Zakat on a salary is like Zakat on agricultural crops and doesn’t require waiting a full year is incorrect.

Since many people work for a salary, it’s helpful to explain how to correctly pay Zakat on salaries.


How much is the Zakat on salary?

Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam, mandatory for all mentally sound adult Muslims. It entails giving 2.5% of your wealth to support those in need.

How to calculate how much Zakat to pay?

To determine your Zakat amount, calculate the value of your net assets. According to Zakat rules, you owe 2.5% of your wealth if it equals or exceeds the nisab value. If your wealth is below the nisab value, you’re not obligated to pay Zakat.

Is Zakat calculated on wealth or income?

Zakat serves to cleanse excess yearly earnings beyond essential needs. It’s calculated based on income and the value of possessions, typically at a rate of 2.5% or 1/40 of a Muslim’s total savings and wealth for those who qualify.

Do you pay Zakat for the gold you wear?

Gold and silver are eligible for Zakat in any form they take, including jewelry. However, personal jewelry worn by women and basic items like a plain silver ring or decorative sword hilt for men are exempt from Zakat.


Zakat is necessary for Muslims to pay if they are holding the nisab. Nisab is known as the minimum amount of things that are required for paying zakat. This article is related to How To Calculate Zakat On Salary. I have briefly explained this topic, you can read it thoroughly to know how to calculate zakat on salary. Stay here for more recent updates.

Best Charity to Sponsor a Child

Best Charity to Sponsor a Child

There are many orphans all around the world, they are waiting for charities from us. Children face many issues due to the poverty and lack of money. The children in the orphanages are affected by the wars, lost their parents, disasters, and many other issues that force them to go to the orphanages. Here is the information about Best Charity to Sponsor A Child.

Best Charity to Sponsor a Child:

Charities are the golden part of the orphan’s life. It provides them with aid when they are suffering from health issues. They also provide them the mental and emotional support. In the below guide, I am going to tell you about some top charities.

You should visit them through their sites or physically to donate to charities for the orphans. This is the proper guide that informs you properly. You can trust these charities and donate money to them. You can also donate money through our website Orphan Care Here is the donation form for charity which is used to help the orphan child.

Top best charities:

Here are some of top best charities for orphans. You should donate to your charities to them.

Ronald McDonald House Charities:

Ronald McDonald House Charities have a big name all over the World for children facing life-threatening diseases. They provide them a home away from the other children. Where they can live easily without facing any health issues.

RMHC is very supportive of the children and their families. They help them when they are suffering from the big problems. RMHC centers are near the hospitals, they bring the patients to the hospitals whenever they are going to face any emergency.

They allow the parents to be with their children to reduce the stress and tension in their minds. Their support and care are very helpful to recover the patient soon without facing more issues. RMHC provides many services which include home-cooked food, vegetables, and educational activities for the child.

Toys for tots:

Toys for Tots was started in the United States. It is very helpful for the children in the holiday season. They are the cause of joy and play for the children with toys and the volunteers too.

This is an organization that buys the new toys for the children. These toys are new and unwrapped. They gift these toys to children who didn’t receive any gift from any person.

They deliver hope to the children and make them happy. Mostly organizations that are making charities for the children have the purpose of love and making them happy. It includes millions of volunteers and members in their tea to make the children happy with their efforts.

Children International:

Children International is an organization that helps in over children from the poverty cycle. It means they help in developing the children’s future. They have some goals of education, health confidence, and empowering the children to make their future bright.

 Children’s International is made to fulfill the urgent needs of the children. They invest the money in their long-term work like the plans for the children’s development. It helps in making the children educated.

The effort they are making for the children’s future always ensures the children that they thrive the survive. They become the educational, and empowered children. Make sure to donate your charity to them to empower the weak children.

Save the children:

Save the Children is an organization that helps to change the lives of many people. It develops the children who are suffering from poverty. Save the Children has many programs to empower children.

This institute provides them with support and care for their health, education, food, and many other necessary needs. Sponsor a children through monthly or weekly donations. It fosters the basic needs of children.

They make the 118 million children in 116 countries healthy, safe, and educated. Save the Children is very famous all over the World for donating the charity to children.

My Stuff Bags Foundation:

My Stuff Bags Foundation is a foundation that is helpful for children who are rescued from critical situations. Moreover, the essential situations are neglecting the child, abuse, and other situations.

The orphans reach the foster care empty-handed in just one dress and shoes. However, some children do not have these both.

My Stuff Bags are blue colored bags, that contain many facilities. These facilities are books, food, health-related things, toys, coloring books, and many more things.

When you give something to the children they want, they start loving you. This is the source of physical and emotional comfort for the children to live in a place where people love them.


What charity gives the most to children?

The UNICEF is the charity that gives most to the children all over the World. It is the United Nations charity and organization that gives aid to children. Most often it focuses on child survival, education, emergencies, gender equality, child protection, and other important areas.

What child sponsorship program is the best?

Here are some top of the best charities or child sponsorship programs:

  1. My Stuff Bags Foundation
  2. Save the Children
  3. Children International
  4. Toys for Tots
  5. Ronald McDonald House Charities

How do you sponsor a child?

Sponsor a child depends on different plans. Some people who are sponsoring the child can make the monthly bundles of donation. On the other hand, some people have different plans for them for the development of their children.


The above are some charities that help in the development of children in different fields of life. You can donate your charities to those organizations and you can also donate the money to our site that I have mentioned above. Allah blesses you with more and more when you give charity to orphans to fulfill their needs.

Zakat For Orphan

Zakat For Orphan

Zakat is a process to pure the wealth that you are holding. This is the best way to pure your wealth from any evil work. Here I will give a comprehensive guide on Zakat For Orphan. If you want to learn then you should visit the article.

Zakat a Vital Pillar Of Islam:

Zakat is an important pillar of Islam, Muslims need to pay Zakat, as it can purify their wealth. Here I have Verses of the Holy Quran to explain the importance to Muslims.

“Zakat is a way of cleansing your wealth by giving a portion to help those in need, specifically those who qualify under eight categories mentioned in the Quran (9:60).”

  1. Poors
  2. Needy
  3. Collectors of Zakat
  4. Who has the agreements (Muslims and their communities)
  5. Slaves
  6. The Debt-Ridden
  7. In The Cause Of God
  8. Wayfarer ( The people who are traveling with less resources)

Every child in this World deserves a better life. You should donate zakat to those people who are poor and needy. Your money can be a chance of pleasure for them. Children without parents are like flowers without gardeners. You should have to be their gardener.

Facts about Orphans to give them zakat:

Here I am going to tell you some facts about orphans that force you to give them Zakat. I hope these facts are useful to you.

  • Almost all orphans are poor.
  • Orphans do not go to school.
  • Orphans are very stressed and suffer from PTSD as they see their parents sick and passing away.
  • They lost their belonging, friends, and homes.
  • They suffer from food insecurity which is the cause of illness.
  • Mostly orphans are forced into child labor.
  • Living in streets.
  • Most probably they lost the sense of wearing clothes and manners.
  • People do not give them respect after their parents.
  • They are completely cut off from their past luxuries.

Here are other verses of the Quran

“Be good to orphans and the needy. Speak nicely to people. And help the poor.”

The Quran 02:83

How Zakat Donation changes the lives of Orphans:

There are almost 153 million + orphans in the World. They are suffering from many problems and are waiting for your money to aid. Most of them are suffering from PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) and many types of other stress.

It is the moral duty of Muslims to take care and look after the orphans. When you are going to help an orphan kid you can almost change his/her life. Maybe it is not a big deal for you, but it does not only give you inner satisfaction but it can increase your value to Allah Almighty.

If you feed the poor and needy, Allah almighty will bless you with more and more. Make sure to donate your money to Zakat. Through this action, many needy can get food, shelter, educational needs, and many other daily life needs.

Do orphans who have wealth qualify for Zakat?

The answer to this question is No! Because the majority of Muslims do not recommend giving zakat to orphans who have wealth. This is a general charity from your wealth which purifies your wealth and makes it more profitable for you.

Moreover, there are very few orphans who are wealthy enough to pay Zakat among the estimated 400 million fatherless children worldwide. Muslims must use our Zakat and donations to sponsor orphans. As our Holy Prophet encourages us to join him in Paradise through these acts of kindness to these children.


Can I give Zakat to an orphan?

Yes! You can give Zakat to help orphaned children during Ramadan or at any time of the year. You will be appreciated for the donation. This donation is also used to support these children’s needs. So you should give them zakat and make your money double because Allah will bless you more and more.

Is it allowed to give money to orphans in Islam?

The charity saves us from the hardships coming towards us. It can provide shade on our heads on Judgement Day when everyone is waiting for the shade. It brings Allah’s blessing to you. Whenever you are going to sponsor an orphan, it brings immense blessing for you.

What are the rules of Islam for orphans?

The rule of Islam for orphans is to be kind and supportive of orphans. Fulfill their daily needs and provide them with basic facilities that every child wants. Make sure they receive kind and good treatment with protection in society.

Who is not eligible for Zakat?

The people who hold wealth are not eligible for Zakat. Please do proper research on whether a person who is taking Zakat is eligible or not. It may not be snatching the rights of other needy people. If you do not perform proper research, it may be bad for you to not help needy people who are waiting for your help. Make sure to do not to give zakat to your parents, children, and grandparents, these are not eligible for Zakat.


Whenever you are going to pay zakat, make sure the recipient is eligible. Some orphans have the wealth of their parents and they do not deserve zakat from you. If you do not reach the orphans by yourself. You can give zakat to the organization who have these types of children. Zakat is 2.5 % of your complete wealth, Gold, and Silver. You should give zakat in every lunar year. Allah Almighty will bless you wth more wealth.