How To Help Orphans Without Adopting

How To Help Orphans Without Adopting

Nowadays we are very busy in our lives, we do not have the time to adopt orphans. So, we help them without adoption. I am going to tell you about How To Help Orphans Without Adopting them. These are very useful tips for you to follow for the adoption of orphans. You can donate to your charity on our site

How To Help Orphans Without Adopting

There are many ways that you can use to donate the charity and help them without adopting. Adoption is a complex process and it needs your spare time to spend with the kid you adopted.

So, if you want to do something for orphans then you should donate some money for them. However, I am going to tell you about the ways that you should check further for the donation.

Send a Box of Love

The orphans mostly come with the clothes and shoes they wear. They did not have more clothes with them. Some orphans do not have the clothes and shoes in the well condition that they wear while coming to the orphanages. You should make a box of love for them.

Moreover, this love box contains the things that are necessary uses of the orphans. Put some food, money, shoes, toys, books, a uniform, a bag, and clothes. This bag brings a message of love from you to the orphan children.

They are really glad when they receive your gift. You should tell your friends to do the same task for the orphans. Your small effort can make many faces happy. When you help the orphans Allah Almighty will also bless you with more and more.

Donate Money for financial support

When you have money, you want to spend it on orphans. Search for the orphanages or the foster parents who need money for the daily needs of the orphans. Make sure to donate the money to the needy people, not the people who have enough money. This money is a total waste.

Financial support is one of the best supports for the orphans. They bought everything they needed from this money. Clothes and shoes are not only needed, there are many things they want to buy.

As Muslims, we pay zakat in the lunar year, same as we should donate money to help the orphans and fulfill their wishes. Contribute your wealth for their help, and Allah almighty will bless you with his blessings.

The orphanages are waiting for the money because they need money for training the volunteers. When they have enough money, they start development projects for the orphans. They made schools, provided health facilities, etc. These people treat the orphans like a family.

People ask how to help orphanages. The answer for these people is to donate their money to a charity to help orphanages. There are many ways to donate to charity for orphans and orphanages.

Become a host for orphans

Here is another way, through which you can donate your charity to the poor and needy. You should become a host family for the orphans. This is another way to help the orphans without adoption.

When you are host to the orphans you should treat them with love. Give them gifts and things they want and like. Hosting the kid includes that you are a partner for them, you can treat them well, which means you can love hugs, and kisses, tell them stories, play games together, and go shopping.

Moreover, when you spend your loving time with the kids, they become very close to you and make these days memorable for them and for you too.

Pray for orphans

The very great thing you have done without spending cost is to pray for orphans. If you are an average person and you do not have as much money that you spend on the orphans. Then you start praying for the orphans.

Furthermore, you can pray for the orphans’ success and good health. Praying is the path to meet heaven and what you want afterward. We all know about the orphan’s needs, they need good health, food, education, and environment.

Many children are waiting for people to come and adopt them from the orphanage. You should pray for them to be adopted as per their wishes. Before praying you should have the information about their wishes. Search for orphans and then meet them and come to know what they want.

These are some ways through which you can help orphans without adopting.


How can we help an orphan without adopting?

When you are searching for how to help orphans without adopting. Then you can help the orphans by providing emotional support, and education. There are some necessities such as food, shelter, and healthcare they need the most.

How do we care for the orphans?

The care for orphans is very easy, you should show love and care for them. We can care for the orphans to stay in contact with them. Fulfill their basic needs and give them gifts, celebrate your events with them, and make their days memorable.

What do orphans need for a better future?

Orphans do not need more things. They just need care, love, Shelter, food, and a safe place to grow. The special thing for orphans is a safe place to grow, which means there are no interferences of third parties who harm them. They want to live in a place where people provide them with love and support and do not disturb them.

What activities can be done in an orphanage?

The kids play, and enjoy, arts and crafts, storytelling, and competitions on different topics. They organized a sports gala, events, and festivals for them. They choose activities that provide them with emotional support, and courage, enhance teamwork, creativity, and self-respect, and expression.

What makes an orphan happy?

Orphans do not get happy with the expensive things and brands. Everything that is the cause of joy and love makes them happy. Moreover, they just need love, support, and care.


I have told you about How To Help Orphans Without Adopting. There are different ways through which you can help the orphans without adopting them. Some people adopt the children because they handle them easily. But some people do not have enough time and space for them. SO they help the orphans without adopting them.

Importance Of Zakat In Islam

Importance Of Zakat In Islam

Zakat is the Pillar of Islam. There are five pillars of Islam and this is the third pillar. It is a certain portion of the wealth which is donated to Islam. The Importance Of Zakat In Islam is very high. Zakat is a form of worship for the Muslims all over the World. It completely depends on income and the value of possession.

The Vital Role of Zakat in Islam

Zakat plays a very vital role in Islam. When you pay zakat to the Orphans, it not only purifies your wealth but is also very helpful for the poor and needy. If you give a portion of the money to the needy, Allah blesses you with more money.

Zakat is not obligatory for every Muslim. It is obligatory for the persons who earn above a limit which is decided for the Zakat. Make sure you should give away 2.5 % of your wealth as Zakat.

Paying Zakat is essential for the Muslims who are eligible for Zakat and also have Gold, Silver, and money according to the criteria or Nisab. Before giving Zakat you should research the people and give the people who are eligible for the Zakat.

Always give Zakat to the people who do not have wealth or land and also earn below the threshold. Find the people who match the criteria. On the other hand, you can give Zakat to an organization that supports orphanages and old homes.

Who are the recipients of Zakat?

If you are asking about the recipients of Zakat. Then I am going to tell you about them.

  1. Poors and needy
  2. Slaves
  3. Debt individuals
  4. Struggling Muslim converts
  5. Stranded travellers
  6. Soldiers fighting to protect Muslims

Rules Of Zakat

Here are some rules for Zakat. The very main thing for the Zakat recipient is eligibility. Do not give Zakat to a person who is not eligible for taking Zakat. Some examples of these people are your parents, Grandparents, children, and spouse. These are people who relate to you deeply and you did not give them zakat.

Another rule for Zakat donation is that if you have wealth according to the Nisab then Zakat is obligatory for you. On the other hand, you do not pay Zakat. Now I am going to tell you about the Nisab.

The Nisab for Gold is 87.48 grams and 612.36 grams of silver. And wealth is above the threshold that is given in the form of gold and silver in cash or the bank. Then you have to pay by 2.5% portion for the purity and helping the needy people.

As Allah (SWT) tells us in the Holy Qur’an:

“And be steadfast in prayer and regular in charity: And whatever good you send forth for your souls before you, you shall find it with Allah”

Qur’an 2:110

Reasons for the importance of Zakat

Here are some reasons for the importance of Zakat are given:

  1. Every Muslim should fulfill the Pillars of Islam. Every pillar has its importance but the Zakat is important for the overall whole World. Christians also pay Zakat according to their beliefs, they pay 1/10 percent of their money to the Church.
  2. It increases their closeness to Iman and Allah. As it is a way to worship Allah almighty.
  3. It can purify your wealth and make almost double if you share this money with the people who deserve it.
  4. Make sure to redistribute the wealth. It is also an important point.
  5. It gives our Muslim sisters and brothers relief from the suffering of life and clears their hardships.


What is the essence of Zakat in Islam?

In Islam, Zakat not only performs the financial duty. But it is also a way to cleanse one’s wealth and support the well-being of society. Make sure that the poor and needy are happy with you.

What is the ethical significance of zakat?

The main goal of Zakat is the spiritual and religious for Muslims. Its social and economic aspects come after the spiritual and religious. It helps people to feel connected to others in the society. It encourages them to give for their well-being.

What are the religious benefits of zakat?

In Islam, wealth is known as a gift from Allah. It purifies your wealth through Zakat. It is not just about money it’s a way to show them thankful and not show off. This act also helps in cleaning the heart of greed and encourages selflessness towards others.

What are the social benefits of Zakat in Islam?

There are many social benefits of Zakat in Islam. It brings the rich and poor closer to each other. Zakat encourages giving, and discourages greed. Moreover, it also raises awareness about real issues.


Zakat has vital importance in Islam and also in society. Allah and the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad both describe the importance of Zakat. We should pay Zakat if our wealth is above or equal to the Nisab mentioned. Paying Zakat is our moral responsibility.

Zakat For Orphan

Zakat For Orphan

Zakat is a process to pure the wealth that you are holding. This is the best way to pure your wealth from any evil work. Here I will give a comprehensive guide on Zakat For Orphan. If you want to learn then you should visit the article.

Zakat for Orphan a Vital Pillar Of Islam:

Zakat is an important pillar of Islam, Muslims need to pay Zakat, as it can purify their wealth. Here I have Verses of the Holy Quran to explain the importance to Muslims.

“Zakat is a way of cleansing your wealth by giving a portion to help those in need, specifically those who qualify under eight categories mentioned in the Quran (9:60).”

  1. Poors
  2. Needy
  3. Collectors of Zakat
  4. Who has the agreements (Muslims and their communities)
  5. Slaves
  6. The Debt-Ridden
  7. In The Cause Of God
  8. Wayfarer ( The people who are traveling with less resources)

Every child in this World deserves a better life. You should donate zakat for orphan to those people who are poor and needy. Your money can be a chance of pleasure for them. Children without parents are like flowers without gardeners. You should have to be their gardener.

Facts about Orphans to give them zakat:

Here I am going to tell you some facts about orphans that force you to give them Zakat. I hope these facts are useful to you.

  • Almost all orphans are poor.
  • Orphans do not go to school.
  • Orphans are very stressed and suffer from PTSD as they see their parents sick and passing away.
  • They lost their belonging, friends, and homes.
  • They suffer from food insecurity which is the cause of illness.
  • Mostly orphans are forced into child labor.
  • Living in streets.
  • Most probably they lost the sense of wearing clothes and manners.
  • People do not give them respect after their parents.
  • They are completely cut off from their past luxuries.

Here are other verses of the Quran

“Be good to orphans and the needy. Speak nicely to people. And help the poor.”

The Quran 02:83

How Zakat Donation changes the lives of Orphans:

There are almost 153 million + orphans in the World. They are suffering from many problems and are waiting for your money to aid. Most of them are suffering from PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) and many types of other stress.

It is the moral duty of Muslims to take care and look after the orphans. When you are going to help an orphan kid you can almost change his/her life. Maybe it is not a big deal for you, but it does not only give you inner satisfaction but it can increase your value to Allah Almighty.

If you feed the poor and needy, Allah almighty will bless you with more and more. Make sure to donate your money to Zakat. Through this action, many needy can get food, shelter, educational needs, and many other daily life needs.

Do orphans who have wealth qualify for Zakat?

The answer to this question is No! Because the majority of Muslims do not recommend giving zakat to orphans who have wealth. This is a general charity from your wealth which purifies your wealth and makes it more profitable for you.

Moreover, there are very few orphans who are wealthy enough to pay Zakat among the estimated 400 million fatherless children worldwide. Muslims must use our Zakat and donations to sponsor orphans. As our Holy Prophet encourages us to join him in Paradise through these acts of kindness to these children.


Can I give Zakat to an orphan?

Yes! You can give Zakat to help orphaned children during Ramadan or at any time of the year. You will be appreciated for the donation. This donation is also used to support these children’s needs. So you should give them zakat and make your money double because Allah will bless you more and more.

Is it allowed to give money to orphans in Islam?

The charity saves us from the hardships coming towards us. It can provide shade on our heads on Judgement Day when everyone is waiting for the shade. It brings Allah’s blessing to you. Whenever you are going to sponsor an orphan, it brings immense blessing for you.

What are the rules of Islam for orphans?

The rule of Islam for orphans is to be kind and supportive of zakat for orphans. Fulfill their daily needs and provide them with basic facilities that every child wants. Make sure they receive kind and good treatment with protection in society.

Who is not eligible for Zakat?

The people who hold wealth are not eligible for Zakat. Please do proper research on whether a person who is taking Zakat is eligible or not. It may not be snatching the rights of other needy people. If you do not perform proper research, it may be bad for you to not help needy people who are waiting for your help. Make sure to do not to give zakat to your parents, children, and grandparents, these are not eligible for Zakat.


Whenever you are going to zakat for orphan, make sure the recipient is eligible. Some orphans have the wealth of their parents and they do not deserve zakat from you. If you do not reach the orphans by yourself. You can give zakat to the organization who have these types of children. Zakat is 2.5 % of your complete wealth, Gold, and Silver. You should give zakat in every lunar year. Allah Almighty will bless you wth more wealth.

Sponsor An Orphan

Sponsor An Orphan

If you want to sponsor an orphan, you should consult a well-known orphanage. The orphan family support programs are the very best way to sponsor orphans. The orphan care searches for homes for the children. They make them stable in the family in the case of the death of both of the parents. You should Sponsor An Orphan by supporting them financially.

How To Sponsor An Orphan:

You can sponsor an orphan very easily by using money. This sponsorship includes the orphan’s basic needs, like food, safe homes or asylum, education, health, and many others. If you want to sponsor the child you can contact directly the organizations. On the other hand, you can contact them through the website or any other link.

Moreover, these organizations have many ways to reach them for the charity and sponsorship of the children. They also donate you the children if you force them to support these children.  If you fulfill the needs of the orphans it may lessen the organization’s burden. This type of sponsorship is also known as Sadqa-e-Jariyah.

If you can pay for charity then you should donate to orphanages. This helps you to succeed in the future life very easily. This program gives money to the orphanages for the education, moral values, and other daily life needs of the orphans.

Orphan needs:

Orphans need many things in their life. But most of these are just basic. Foster homes do not give a more luxurious life but they should fulfill the basic needs. Here are some important needs of the orphans are given here:

  1. Education
  2. Food
  3. School Bags
  4. Books & notebooks
  5. Seasonal Uniform
  6. Shoes
  7. Stationery
  8. Playing ground
  9. Health and medications
  10. Function celebrations

Not only do these need enough, but they also need sponsorship in character building and social behavior. The moral and social growth is one of the undenied things.

Arrange festivals for Orphans:

If you want to sponsor the orphans you should organize functions and festivals. Be a part of the money behind it, you should also participate in the activities that children are going to perform in the festivals.

Furthermore, when you take interest and be with the orphans, they like you and they become happy when they meet you. They do not need just the funds, they need guidance and like to spend time with them in love.


What is sponsoring an orphan?

Sponsoring an orphan means taking care of the orphans and providing them with the basic facilities of life. If you can do it, please adopt the children from the orphanage. On the other hand, if you can’t do this you should have to participate in a charity for children to manage their expenses.

Can I sponsor an orphan in Palestine?

You should become a sponsor for orphans in Palestine and make their faces smile. If you are a Muslim, you should support the orphans in Palestine. We offer financial aid and school supplies to orphans and their families in Palestine.

How can I find the sponsors online?

Here are five ways that tell you to find sponsors online. Make sure to follow these ways and sponsor the orphans through them.

  1. Share your story
  2. Use data around your circle
  3. Follow the consistency
  4. Build relationship
  5. Research sponsors

What is an orphan in Islam?

The orphan in Islam is known as Yateem. A child who does not have both parents and he/she do not reach the teenage years is known as Yateem or an orphan. The Prophet Muhammad taught us to treat orphans with kindness.

What does sponsoring an orphan mean in Islam?

When you are sponsoring an orphan in Islam. It means providing financial and emotional support to a child who has lost one or both parents. Ensure to take care of their basic needs and well-being.


Taking the responsibilities of the orphan is not Hard. But some people do not take on these responsibilities. If you want to become a good Muslim, you should take care of orphans and sponsor them. I think this piece of information is enough for you. I will continue to share the valuable information like this article.

How to Calculate Zakat

How to Calculate Zakat

Zakat is obligatory for Muslims to purify their wealth. When you pay the zakat, the wealth you hold is completely cleaned up from every type of adulteration. Here I will tell you about How to calculate zakat in Islam. So let us come to know.

How to calculate Zakat:

The zakat calculation includes the quantity of each and everything you own. It includes the whole amount of Gold, Silver, and Money. After collecting all these things, you can calculate the zakat. Many people asked the question What is the zakat percentage? Zakat is 2.5 % of your whole wealth.

Some people do not pay zakat, they think that after paying zakat they lose a lot of money. But this is not true, it just charges 2.5%. It includes the cash whether it is in your home or the bank account. It just needs a total figure.

Furthermore, Zakat is not compulsory for every Muslim. It is obligatory for those who have their money, gold, and silver equal or more than Nisab.

How much is Nisab for Zakat in 2024?

The Nisab for Zakat in 2024 for gold and silver is given as:

Gold: You should own 87.48 grams of Gold.

Silver: You should own 612.36 grams of Silver.

What is the meaning of Zakat?

The Zakat is the third pillar of Islam. Zakat is paid to purify the wealth. This is a way through which you thank your Allah in the praised form. Make sure that the Zakat you are paying should reach the poor and the needy persons.

When this money reaches the right place, your zakat is accepted by Allah and your praise is complete. Zakat’s rules and regulations are complicated but make sure to pay who is entitled to the Zakat. Pay the correct percentage of Zakat whether any Zakat tax is in the UK.

What is Nisab?

The Nisab is the minimum value required to pay Zakat in a specific current year. Make sure that your Wealth is equal to or exceeds the limit of Nisab.

What do I need to pay Zakat?

You should need to pay Zakat on the given things if own all these or anyone from them. You should pay zakat for them. You should have to pay Zakat on Wealth instead of earning. Zakat is always given on the yearly earnings, not the income coming.

If you are earning 20,000£ a year, and you are saving up to 300£. Pay Zakat from such 300£ not from the 20,000£ you earn in a year. The other wealth for Zakat is given here in the points.

  1. Gold
  2. Silver
  3. Money lent to others
  4. Business stock in trade
  5. Stocks and shares, directly and from investment
  6. Agricultural produce
  7. Pension
  8. Property
  9. Life Stock such as cows, goats, and sheep.
  10. Saved cash at home and banks.

Zakat Rules on the tax in the UK?

The population living in the UK pays the Zakat in different ways. Here I have a complete guiding step for you to understand if you have any confusion.

There are some personal taxes that you pay for the roads, vehicles, and other in the daily life that are not included in the Zakat. These taxes are considered as your taxes in the UK. Moreover, if you owe any tax from the government, they deduct the Zakat from it.

For self-employed folks or other business owners keep their money aside for taxes. This money set aside can be deducted from your Zakat calculation.

How is your Zakat used?

The zakat you pay is used to change the lives of the poor and needy. There are many organizations, that take zakat from you and use this zakat for the poor and needy. Additionally, the Zakat not only purifies your wealth but it can also give you inner satisfaction.

Zakat is used to help the poor, needy, eligible, and disadvantaged people. We should have to make sure that the money we are paying as zakat is reaching its goal or not. Research properly who is receiving the money. If needy people are not using, you can claim your money back.


What are the benefits of Zakat?

Zakat helps needy people and makes sure to meet the needs of everyone. It also makes us feel good inside and teaches us to care for others.

How do you calculate the Zakat money?

Here are four simple steps that you should try to calculate the Zakat money:

  1. Add the things you own.
  2. Take off the owed ones.
  3. Check the balance and come to know whether it is equal to Nisab or not.
  4. Give 2.5 % of your wealth as a Zakat.

How much is Nisab for Zakat?

Nisab is the minimum amount of wealth on which the Zakat is obligatory. Nisab for Gold is 87.48 grams and 612.36 grams for Silver.

Can I give Zakat to someone who owns a house?

No, you cannot give Zakat to a person who owns a house and has a strong source of income. You can give the money to the person who owns a house but does not have enough income to reach the Nisab.


This is detailed information about how to calculate the Zakat. I have cleared almost every part related to this topic. Zakat is obligatory for Muslims but they should have to check whether the Zakat is reaching the people who need it or not. You should read the above article and come to know about Zakat and how to calculate Zakat.