How To Work Out Zakat

How To Work Out Zakat

Calculating Zakat is important in Islam. It means giving 2.5% of your wealth and assets held for at least a year to help people who are in need. You figure out what you owe after subtracting any debts you have. This helps purify your wealth and fulfills a key duty in Islam. Here is a guide on How To Work Out Zakat. Let us come and learn about it. 

Understanding how to work out zakat is essential for fulfilling your religious obligations. Start by calculating 2.5% of your eligible wealth, including savings, investments, and assets. Learn the step-by-step process to ensure how to work out zakat calculation and contribute effectively to those in need.

How To Work Out Zakat in 2024:

Zakat is known for spending 2.5 % of the money on the poor and needy. It reminds us to avoid greed and materialism. It is also a cause of bridging the gap between rich and poor by providing essential support.

If you are unsure how much Zakat to pay, ensure you check the current rates of gold and silver (612.36 grams of silver and 87.48 grams of gold) and calculate 2.5% of your wealth. For example, if your total assets, after deducting any debts, amount to £10,000, you would need to pay £250 as Zakat. This ensures you fulfill your religious duty and contribute positively to those in need.

What is Zakat Due on:

Whenever you are going to calculate your total wealth and assets for Zakat. Must consider the following points that I am going to give you here below:

  1. The value of gold and silver items you own.
  2. Money in your bank accounts or cash at home.
  3. Loans you have given out.
  4. Pensions, stocks, shares, and investments.
  5. Investment properties (excluding your primary residence).
  6. Farm and agricultural produce.

Any outstanding debts, including loans, cannot be included in your Zakat calculation and must be deducted from your total assets when determining how much Zakat to pay.

How to Work Out Zakat on Gold:

For simplicity and accuracy, consider using the Africa Relief Zakat Calculator, designed to help you calculate zakat on your gold based on current market prices and the nisab threshold. Alternatively, follow these steps:

  1. Determine the total weight of your zakatable gold assets.
  2. Check the current market value of gold per gram.
  3. Multiply the total weight by the current price per gram to find the market value of your gold.
  4. If the total market value meets or exceeds the nisab threshold, calculate 2.5% of this value as your zakat amount due.

Who receives Zakat?

Muslim scholars derive the eligibility of Zakat from Quran 9:60, 

The prescribed alms are meant only for the poor, the needy, those employed to administer the funds, those whose hearts are reconciled to the faith, for freeing slaves and helping those in debt, for God’s cause, and for travelers in need. This is an obligation from Allah. And Allah is Knowing and Wise.

This outlines eight categories of recipients, including the poor, the needy, and administrators of funds. In addition, Zakat is also meant for those who have embraced Islam, freeing slaves. It also helps those burdened by debt, for the cause of God, and travelers in need. 

Today, Zakat mainly goes to the first two groups. Like orphan households, single mothers, people with disabilities, and the elderly. They are often well below the Nisab threshold and face the greatest challenges during conflicts and disasters.

How Do I Actually Work Out Zakat:

Here is the complete process through which you can calculate or work out the zakat. These points ensure you How To Work Out Zakat. 

  1. Total all your income sources: Add up cash, gold, silver, debts owed to you, investment properties, shares, savings, and business assets.
  2. Calculate your living expenses: Sum up personal expenses, debts you owe, and business costs.
  3. Determine your Zakatable Wealth: Subtract living expenses from total income.
  4. Check if it meets the Nisab threshold: Compare your Zakatable Wealth with the current value of Nisab (gold or silver).
  5. Calculate your Zakat: Multiply your Zakatable Wealth by 2.5% to find the Zakat due.

For ease, use our Online Zakat Calculator to input your details and calculate automatically, including gold and silver values.

For more you can read: How To Calculate Zakat On Salary


How do I calculate my zakat?

To calculate your Zakat, sum up all your assets, subtract any debts you owe, and then pay 2.5% of your remaining wealth as Zakat.

What are the formulas for zakat?

To calculate Zakat, gather all your wealth that exceeds your basic needs (such as money, silver, and gold) and ensure it has been in your possession for a full lunar year. From this total, pay 2.5% as Zakat. This practice ensures the purification of wealth and supports those in need according to Islamic principles.

How much zakat on 1000 dollars?

Zakat is an annual charitable donation that Muslims must give from their savings. The zakat rate for cash savings is 2.5%. For example, if you have $1,000 in cash savings, you would give $25 as zakat to charity. It’s important to note that zakat is distinct from taxes and serves a religious and humanitarian purpose in Islam.

How to Work Out Zakat USD?

Zakat is calculated on wealth that exceeds the Nisab threshold, at a rate of 2.5%. This includes cash savings, personal gold and silver, investments like stocks and shares, and personal loans and debts.


Zakat is an important pillar of Islam. It is obligatory for Muslims to pay Zakat, and it is also their religious right. I have given you the details about How To Work Out Zakat. Through these ways, you can calculate the Zakat easily. I think this information is enough for you and you come to know about how do you calculate zakat.


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