How to Calculate Zakat

How to Calculate Zakat

Zakat is obligatory for Muslims to purify their wealth. When you pay the zakat, the wealth you hold is completely cleaned up from every type of adulteration. Here I will tell you about How to calculate zakat in Islam. So let us come to know.

How to calculate Zakat:

The zakat calculation includes the quantity of each and everything you own. It includes the whole amount of Gold, Silver, and Money. After collecting all these things, you can calculate the zakat. Many people asked the question What is the zakat percentage? Zakat is 2.5 % of your whole wealth.

Some people do not pay zakat, they think that after paying zakat they lose a lot of money. But this is not true, it just charges 2.5%. It includes the cash whether it is in your home or the bank account. It just needs a total figure.

Furthermore, Zakat is not compulsory for every Muslim. It is obligatory for those who have their money, gold, and silver equal or more than Nisab.

How much is Nisab for Zakat in 2024?

The Nisab for Zakat in 2024 for gold and silver is given as:

Gold: You should own 87.48 grams of Gold.

Silver: You should own 612.36 grams of Silver.

What is the meaning of Zakat?

The Zakat is the third pillar of Islam. Zakat is paid to purify the wealth. This is a way through which you thank your Allah in the praised form. Make sure that the Zakat you are paying should reach the poor and the needy persons.

When this money reaches the right place, your zakat is accepted by Allah and your praise is complete. Zakat’s rules and regulations are complicated but make sure to pay who is entitled to the Zakat. Pay the correct percentage of Zakat whether any Zakat tax is in the UK.

What is Nisab?

The Nisab is the minimum value required to pay Zakat in a specific current year. Make sure that your Wealth is equal to or exceeds the limit of Nisab.

What do I need to pay Zakat?

You should need to pay Zakat on the given things if own all these or anyone from them. You should pay zakat for them. You should have to pay Zakat on Wealth instead of earning. Zakat is always given on the yearly earnings, not the income coming.

If you are earning 20,000£ a year, and you are saving up to 300£. Pay Zakat from such 300£ not from the 20,000£ you earn in a year. The other wealth for Zakat is given here in the points.

  1. Gold
  2. Silver
  3. Money lent to others
  4. Business stock in trade
  5. Stocks and shares, directly and from investment
  6. Agricultural produce
  7. Pension
  8. Property
  9. Life Stock such as cows, goats, and sheep.
  10. Saved cash at home and banks.

Zakat Rules on the tax in the UK?

The population living in the UK pays the Zakat in different ways. Here I have a complete guiding step for you to understand if you have any confusion.

There are some personal taxes that you pay for the roads, vehicles, and other in the daily life that are not included in the Zakat. These taxes are considered as your taxes in the UK. Moreover, if you owe any tax from the government, they deduct the Zakat from it.

For self-employed folks or other business owners keep their money aside for taxes. This money set aside can be deducted from your Zakat calculation.

How is your Zakat used?

The zakat you pay is used to change the lives of the poor and needy. There are many organizations, that take zakat from you and use this zakat for the poor and needy. Additionally, the Zakat not only purifies your wealth but it can also give you inner satisfaction.

Zakat is used to help the poor, needy, eligible, and disadvantaged people. We should have to make sure that the money we are paying as zakat is reaching its goal or not. Research properly who is receiving the money. If needy people are not using, you can claim your money back.


What are the benefits of Zakat?

Zakat helps needy people and makes sure to meet the needs of everyone. It also makes us feel good inside and teaches us to care for others.

How do you calculate the Zakat money?

Here are four simple steps that you should try to calculate the Zakat money:

  1. Add the things you own.
  2. Take off the owed ones.
  3. Check the balance and come to know whether it is equal to Nisab or not.
  4. Give 2.5 % of your wealth as a Zakat.

How much is Nisab for Zakat?

Nisab is the minimum amount of wealth on which the Zakat is obligatory. Nisab for Gold is 87.48 grams and 612.36 grams for Silver.

Can I give Zakat to someone who owns a house?

No, you cannot give Zakat to a person who owns a house and has a strong source of income. You can give the money to the person who owns a house but does not have enough income to reach the Nisab.


This is detailed information about how to calculate the Zakat. I have cleared almost every part related to this topic. Zakat is obligatory for Muslims but they should have to check whether the Zakat is reaching the people who need it or not. You should read the above article and come to know about Zakat and how to calculate Zakat.

Do Orphanages Still Exist

Do Orphanages Still Exist

The answer to this question is Do Orphanages Still Exist is Yes! The orphanages still exist. As the orphans still exist in the World. In the modern days, these orphanages are known as Children’s Homes, foster care, adoption, and many others. It is just a name replacement.

Some country’s Governments eliminate children’s houses. Many of the people see that the orphanages beat and sexually harass them. Mostly these children are treated badly. This behavior would be bad for the children’s health and emotions.

Do Orphanages Still Exist in the UK:

The orphanages were eliminated from the United Kingdom after World War II. The orphanages are closed because the people want better care of the children. They establish the foster care for these children. In this foster care program, people adopt the children and live and treat them like a family. They suggest this way to give children more attention, love, and care.

As compared to the old days, there is no orphanage, children live with families like their own. Government and the other private organizations establish schools and give children to families.

The main purpose of foster homes or foster care is to provide parents and homes to helpless and orphaned children. It is very helpful for children who want to return to their parents. Because some children living in those houses still have their parents alive.

How to adopt in the United Kingdom Nowadays:

There are several ways that the government introduced after the elimination of orphanages. Moreover, there are many ways but these three are the most common and important ways. Three adoption ways are given here:

1. Adoption from foster care:

The very main adoption point is to adopt the children directly from the foster care system. The parents leave the children in foster care. They do not visit their children again. The children may be adopted, if the parents do not come and visit them.

Moreover, people adopt every type of child from the foster care systems or centers. Some too many children are waiting for their parents to adopt them. Almost 100,000 children out of 400,000 need adoption as they are living in the foster care system.

Mostly this system is preferred in the United Kingdom for adoption. Some children are adopted by the foster families. But the remaining children found new families for them. These parents treat their children very well and do not allow them to feel alone and get depressed.

2. Infant Adoption:

In infant adoption, the parents who want to adopt the children are in contact with the pregnant mother. They visit this mother from time to time and get in touch with her. The parents told the adoption parents about the birth and they adopted the baby immediately.

These adoptions may be without the lawyers but mostly the adoption agencies and the lawyers help the parents with adoption and donation. These lawyers and agencies help people to perform everything according to the laws, rules, and regulations.

3. Relative or stepparent adoption:

This is the third and last type of adoption to adopt from the relative and stepparent. Through this adoption system, the stepmother or stepfather legally becomes the parent of the spouse’s child.

Furthermore, some people adopt the children from their relatives and become the father and mother of that child. This type is very common the many countries like the United States and the United Kingdom.

These three types are not enough there is another very vital step to adopt internationally. International adoption is the way to adopt children from abroad or internationally.

If you are a couple with no children you can adopt the children internationally because above than 19 million children are living in the streets and orphanages. I know we do not adopt every child from the orphanage. But one adoption can change the life of an orphan. Moreover, all the children in the orphanage are not categorized as orphans in the law.

If you want to donate charity for orphan children :

Some countries make orphan houses for children whose parents are not going to take responsibility as they are busy with the Hardships of work. This thing indicates that all the children in the orphanage are not orphans.


When did orphanages close in the UK?

Orphanages are closed in the UK after World War II. The Orphanages ended in the mid-twentieth century. When the orphanages are ended the people adopt and settle the children according to their religion. Some children were sent to the Catholic Church and some Muslims to their religious background.

Are orphanages illegal in America?

No, orphanages are not illegal in America. You people think how is it possible?.. The answer to your question is that the people of America adopted the children. They think that the orphanages are not very secure for them.

What happens to orphaned children in the UK?

Whenever a child loses his or her parents, needs a guardian. The UK government provides them with guardians who spend time with the children. These guardians may be a family, an organization, care centers, or the state.


The above article contains complete information about the Do Orphanages Still Exist. Through this piece of information, you can come to know about the orphanages and about the children after adoption. How the children are adopted from the care centers. I think this information is enough for you to understand about the Do Orphanages Still Exist.